Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Don't have to be an "A" student for a great high school resume

Writing your first, second or even third high school resume is not easy. No one ever said it was. Having said that, however, writing your first, second or even third high school resume is probably easier than mastering some of the popular video games our teens know so well.

One of the big obstacles I have seen to getting teens to even sit down and take a swag at writing a high school resume, is fear that their grades are too low. Teens as well as high school counselors have shared with me in workshops that some students think only the “bright” students or “brainiacs” have anything to put on a high school resume.

Besides, teen job seekers feel most employers don’t really even want a high school resume so why bother to do one. They believe that all the employer wants them to do to get the job is complete a job application.

My usual response is to agree that most employers are still fine with only a job application. However, I stress to teens that it is very important, especially if they feel their grades might be a hindrance, that they increase their marketability by writing a high school resume.

If your teen is not an A student, the high school resume is the way to stand out from all the other job applicants. It is definitely a way to impress the employer.

Employers tell us time after time which key behaviors they look for as they hire people for jobs. Although the list of employer requirements will change from job to job, these fundamentals have basically remained the same for years.

Below are 4 of the key behaviors that you can show on your high school resume if you feel your grades are too low. These skills and behaviors will impress employers and demonstrate you are the person for the job, whether you are an A student or not. Consider the following examples of activities to include on your high school resume.

Good communication skills
Can you read, write and speak without using slang? Cite examples of specific classes where you did really well by doing presentations, term papers or public speaking. Also identify any clubs or organizations on campus that have allowed you to improve your speaking abilities.

Honesty and Integrity
Are you trustworthy and will others vouch for you? If you have been really helpful to a teacher or have been in a trusted role to monitor activities, you can use these examples on your high school resume.

Teamwork and Interpersonal Communication
Do you get along well with others? Are you on any teams at school or have been called on to lead any groups or projects? Cite these examples to show what you will be able to do on the job.

Work Ethic
Are you a hard worker? Can you demonstrate the amount of responsibilities you have? Do you have a skill or an interest that was self taught? For example can you create Podcasts or create web pages and learned how to do that on your own or by following instructions?

The simple fact is that all of us have talents that could be an asset on the job. You must demonstrate these job skills on your high school resume.

A part time job as a high school student might be just the exposure teens need to help them realize what their likes and dislikes are at work. There may even be an improvement in grades as teens realize their options could be limited without academic achievement. In the meantime, high school students should draft the best high school resume they can with the intention of continuing to build their job skills.

Once the resume is complete, email it to BullsEyeResumes for a free high school resume critique. Follow up also and read all the High School Resume FAQs and High School Interview FAQs to prepare for the summer job search.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are good tips. Your website has good information for us parents too. My son is getting his first job this summer and so this helps.

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