Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Walking off Stress at Work

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) focused recently on sports and exercise statistics of Americans.

BLS reported that approximately 16% of people aged 15 years and older participate in sports and exercise activities daily. The most common activity on the list is walking.

Everyone knows that workplace stress is a career buster and affects productivity and creativity at work. Consider walking at work as a way to handle workplace stress. offers tips for employers and career advice to encourage walking at work:
1. Offer a break on healthcare premium
2. Schedule working into the work day
3. Provide place to walk at work
4. Create friendly competition between employees and offer incentives


Anonymous said...

Walking is wonderful - one of my greatest joys is my daily 45 minute constitutional with my dog.

Start paying attention to your thoughts. Are you replaying the events of the day, the argument, or endlessly chewing on a problem? If so, the benefits of your walk are being overshadowed by the negative emotions in which you are 'bathing'.

Negative emotions affect your heart rhythms which directly affect how you perform emotionally, mentally and physically.

By learning how to transform those draining thoughts and emotions, you'll be pleasantly surprised at how your performance in all areas of your life begins to improve.

BullsEyeCareers said...


"Start paying attention to your thoughts. Are you replaying the events of the day, the argument, or endlessly chewing on a problem?"

This is so insightful. These are truly some of the things that hold us back and the more we master them, the bettr it is for us.

I will list your blog as a fave for my readers.


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Checking in for 2022! So much has happened as we have continued to grow  The HBCU Career Center.  Hard to believe we just celebrated 15 yea...