It is never too early to start thinking about how your communication skills can impact your job - be it a part time job while in school or in your life beyond graduation.
Here are the places in a part-time job or job search where communication skills play an important role.
In the telephone interview
In a face-to-face interview
When you are interacting with your boss
Interacting with co-workers
Working with customers
Resolving customer issues
Asking for clarification of instructions
If communication skills are a weakness for you, consider a speech class, a leadership role in a school club or joining the debating society at your high school.
Bookmark for tons of additional advice and resources to help build job skills for teens.
Source - Satisfying Career - Happier Life
Communication skills really play an important role in any aspect of our life. Especially in our job, we need to have good communication skills from resume to job interviews, training and actual work. Through our resume, we can communicate our qualifications to the employer for us to advance in the interview part. Then during the interview, we come face to face or we speak to the interviewer. Until such time that we are hired, we need to communicate effectively with the customers, stakeholders, co-workers, etc. to be able to develop good relationships with them and for the success of the company.
Excellent points Vanessa. Many high school students and teens just don't think sometimes about how communication skills impact their lives in the "real" world of work.
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Tis was a wonderful post . I feel that to do our best in the work world we must have good communication skills. They can take us further then we have ever imagined going. Excellent post.
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